Neveh Shalome Synagogue Kolkata

Neveh Shalome Synagogue - Kolkata, India

When Jewish started migrating to Calcutta (Now Kolkata), India for settlement in early eighteenth century, it was obvious that for daily worship they would required place for it, community would establish Synagogue here. First recorded Jew who settled down in Calcutta was Shalom Aharon Obadiah Cohen in the year of 1798. He migrated to Surat first from Aleppo (Present day Syria) and he came down in the year of 1792. He first settled down in Surat and after become successful in trade, than after he arrived in Calcutta in the year 1798. When he arrived in Calcutta, followed by him other Jews started migrating to Calcutta. During that period many Jews settled down in Calcutta, until Independence of India 1947 and formation of Jewish state of Israel in 1948. Between this long period of stay, Jewish community erected five number of Synagogues in Calcutta(Now Kolkata) and first Synagogue established in Calcutta was “Neveh Shalome” (Also known as Neve shaanan or Neve shalaon). Neveh Shalome built in 1831 by Shalom Cohen and it was there till 1884. Elias Davis Joseph Ezra one of the renowned Jew from this community, appointed as a Sheriff of Calcutta, during that time Naveh Shalome provided the site for Magen David Synagogue. Very sad, in the year of 1884 Neveh Shalome Synagogue was demolished and in that place magnificent Magen David Synagogue was established. But in the year 1910 Jewish community took initiative to rebuild Neveh Shalome Synagogue in the vacant land of Magen David Synagogue, earlier it was the site of Neveh Shalome Synagogue.

Neveh Shalome Synagogue during Renovation in 2014 - Kolkata, India

After a long period Jewish community repaired Neveh Shalome Synagogue in 2014 but unfortunately Archeological Survey Of India did not included it in the list of heritages. But Magen David and Beth El Synagogues is under protected monuments of Archeological Survey Of India.

For entry in any Synagogue in Kolkata (Calcutta), special permission is required. Similarly we took the permission for entry from Nahoum Cake Shop at the New Market but at present permission can be obtained from Jewish Girls School, Kolkata.

Location of Neveh Shalome Synagogue Kolkata:- Popularly known as Jackson lane or Synagogue street

Address of Neveh Shalome Synagogue Kolkata:- 9, Indra Kumar Karnani Street, Kolkata

For Entry Permission:-
Ms A.M. Cohen,
Jewish Girls School, Kolkata
63, Park Street
Park Street H.O.
Kolkata, 700016
West Bengal, India
Landmark: Near Park Street P.O.


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Bong Blogger is an individual traveler from Kolkata, India. Blog on Travel, Photography, Heritage, Adventure Sports, Music and many more.

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4 Responses

  1. Tips Clear says:

    Old is Gold! Nice info….

  2. Arun says:

    Nice info. Thanks.

  3. Wonderful article! We will be linking for this particularly great
    content on our website. Maintain the truly amazing writing.

  4. Howard Sage says:

    On Travel Advisor you can see my short piece on Neveh Shalome, as visited in January, 2017. Contact Travel Advisor–if you can reach them–for more info on how to find the article.

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