Tagged: Nepal


A True Story of Forgotten Photographer Ajit Biswas

Coming to the moot point of the story as I delve deep into it. As I was travelling to Nepal three years back I received a message. I only remember that while crossing the Indo-Nepal border way back home, I read the messages. They ran as follows: ‘Are you from Kolkata? Travelling to Kathmandu? I am also from Kathmandu’. Up to this, it was normal. Suddenly, she was online and started talking. I found she was more curious about me. 

Students of Kathmandu before Earthquake - Kathmandu, Nepal 0

Zion Via Lenz #2.4

I was there few years back, beautiful people made it more beautiful. I was in Nepal in 2012 and met many people during the tour,  jumbled thoughts coming to mind...