Street Musician – Bhagwan Mali

Indian Bloggers

Few months back, I went to my friend’s place, after he got discharged from the nursing home. He was little relaxed, after the nursing home episode. He was fit and fine, so we went to a local tea shop and slowly slowly over a cup of hot tea our conversation started deepening. But continuously a soft music from a little distance distracted my mind. The music was just outstanding and made me unmindful. Another friend cum brother name Sentu informed us that a musician is playing violin on the street. I couldn’t wait, just started walking to locate the place.

I saw a short height person playing violin like a toy and a group of local people cordoned him. As time grows I started minutely observing him and poverty was reflecting from his face and dress but not from his attitude. One person from the listeners group started collecting money and some paid but most of them left out. I gave him ONLY 20 Rupees and now I feel that I committed a sin to pay him only rupees 20, could have been paying more. After his live show, I asked him some questions and he answered me reluctantly. His name is Bhagwan Mali and lived near Girishpark area in Kolkata. He earned his bread and butter from playing violin on the street of Kolkata. At the end of our conversation, he told me “Aacha nehi lagta, Keya hoga iise” (I don’t like, what will be the outcome).

I don’t have sufficient knowledge to judge the quality of his music but as a music lover, I was just mesmerized while he played. Whenever I played his recorded music, the magic remains the same. Without any doubt, he is a gifted violinist.

Deep inside I feel for him and I know that it is hard for me to do something for him on sole efforts. I recorded some videos that day with my mobile and I am posting here those videos with the hope that will surely entertain you. Also want that this post will make him popular and if any organization come forward to help him. Maybe there are organizations those who support street musicians.

Copyright © BongBlogger you can share this post subjects to the conditions that please give due credit to Author Indrajit Das and do not alter before sharing. Request do not Plagiarize.

If you found your photographs here and have issues with that please E-mail me with your requests, I will remove your photographs from public domain.


Bong Blogger is an individual traveler from Kolkata, India. Blog on Travel, Photography, Heritage, Adventure Sports, Music and many more.

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7 Responses

  1. He is too good. You are doing great work spotting such talents and sharing them with the world. Now his talent got more audience.

  2. Great post, Nice to watch videos.

  3. Matheikal says:

    “Full many a flower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweetness in desert air,” as Thomas Grey sang.

  4. Sunaina says:

    It is sad talent goes wasted like this. Even though you gave him a little money, what you did later on is something he truly deserved. You honored him here.

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